Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Here is Tank. Mamie wrote to us telling us that he was just diagnosed with Cancer and has 4-6 months to live. JB has voluntered to take him to the Vet when the time comes. We love Tank.


Missychel said...

What an ANGEL!!! I love tank too.

Missychel said...

I love tank!! What an angel :)

Keri said...

awww.....I love Tank. He's a sweetie!

Elizabeth said...

Like you said Sandy, Mamie is going through my worst fear. She and Tank are in my thoughts this morning.

Kim said...

I went through this with my beagle, also a lemon...she only lived 2 weeks after she was diagnosed with liver cancer and actually passed away at home two days before "the appointment". Fortunately I still have her son, he's 11 now - but doing well. Best of luck, I know how hard it is.

lori said...

I have gone through is heartbreak 3 times with my pets. There is great mobile vet named Dr. Michael Mullins who helped us through. it was so much easier for the pets to go to sleep at home. Good Luck.

Anonymous said...

My husband and I have a 13 year old chocolate lab. This is our fear as well.

Tank is a cutie.

lori said...

I have gone through this 3 times with my pets. There is mobile vet, Dr. Michael Mullins 479-7282 who was so great helping us say goodbye. it made it easier for our pets too. They went to sleep in their own home. Good luck he looks like a special boy.

Anonymous said...

AHHH Mamie I am so sorry :( I have been there my dear. My heart goes out to you. Tank is so cute - those eyes :)

I am so scared for when that day comes for my 2 other furry children.


RaeStanford said...

Check out this site:
He is walking from Austin to Boston all in the name of Canine and Feline Cancer.

Anonymous said...

I've been through this with 3 of my furbabies. I think that the very best thing I did personally was to take my babies myself. It was a great comfort for them to have me there and for me to have that closure. I took each one home and buried them in a little pert cemetery in the back yard. I currently have an 11 year old cocker and 3 chihuhuas (6, 7, 9). I dread the day that something happens to these furbabies but will meet it head on when it happens.
Soft belly rubs to Tank.

Anonymous said...

I've been through this with 3 of my furbabies. I think that the very best thing I did personally was to take my babies myself. It was a great comfort for them to have me there and for me to have that closure. I took each one home and buried them in a little pert cemetery in the back yard. I currently have an 11 year old cocker and 3 chihuhuas (6, 7, 9). I dread the day that something happens to these furbabies but will meet it head on when it happens.
Soft belly rubs to Tank.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mamie, I'm so sorry... I could hear it in your voice how much you love Tank. I think for sure you need to be with Tank. A great idea to have a vet come to your house. Focus on all the good times and talk to him about it now while you love on him - he will feel your joy toward him! He's gorgeous, by the way.

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to Maime and family. My wife and I went through this with our 6 year old Shih Tzu who went in a matter of days with renal failure. He was our baby as well and it was one of the hardest times of our lives. Even though our puppy was out of it when the time came, as hard as it was, we are both glad we were there with him when he went. I think i would have serious regrets now if I hadnt been there with him at the end. And you all are right, Tank is the perfect name for that pup...what a doll.

Anonymous said...

AUGHHHHH!!! I bawled on my way into work this morning, mijo style while listening to Mamie talk about her special guy. My heart breaks for them both, and Mamie's little boy as well. We have two dogs that are getting up there in years, and I, like everyone else who has loved an animal, fear the same thing. Stay tough, keep lovin' and give tank a big hug for me. --Melanie

Anonymous said...

Tank's vet may be willing to come to Mamie's house when the time comes for him. If that would make it easier for her to process his loss that may be a good alternative.

Anonymous said...

The story about Tank this morning was heartbreaking. I love this dog and the morning team for volunteering to help Mamie.

Anonymous said...

Mamie....So Sorry! We went through this a couple years ago as well and lost our beloved 10-yr old Dalmatian. As crazy as it sounds though, her last months were enriched tremendously by us bringing home a puppy. It brought out the "pup" in our Dalmatian as well, even if it was for a short time. She was able to enjoy playing again and I honestly think that her "caring" for a pup helped her through those last months as well. Good luck!!!

Anonymous said...

i cried all the way to work this morning and may start again after seeing this sweet dogs face. I'm so sorry for what you have to go through Mamie.

Holly said...

Have gone through this 3 times. I was also a single mom. The first time I was crying so hard that they would not let me be there. When I had to put Redford (golden retriever) to sleep I cried for days and then when I thought I was cried out I took him. It helps to have someone there to just talk about all the good times. After he was gone I had a friend tell me to imagine him in heaven as a healthy puppy. It did help. If you need someone with you I will offer to be there. Dog people are the best!!

Anonymous said...

Bless her heart. I lost my boy, Malcom, on January 8 and I miss him so very much. When a pet passes, it is the hardest thing. I miss my dog more than I miss my ex-husband. As hard as it is, I hope Mamie can choose to be there when the time comes. It is the most difficult thing, but being with Tank until the very end will help both of you. God Bless you, dear one. My heart goes out to you and your family. God Bless you, Tank. When the time comes, I hope you can meet my Malcom and play together.

cheryl said...

Knowing from past experinces, she will feel better if she and her son both take Tank when his time has come. Knowing that she was with him, WILL make her feel better.

tammylou said...

My mother went through a similar experience with her Angel a year or so ago. Bless JB for being so kindhearted :o)

Anonymous said...

Tank is very much loved by myself and my two little boys. He is sooo great with little guys. He will be missed very much when he is gone. He was a great neighbor! We love ya Tankers!Sending all our love from Michigan!

Anonymous said...

Sandy, you haven't posted anything in awhile - hey, you're gettin' hitched this weekend - I get it, you're busy. Congrats, by the way. I think you guys need to have me come in while you are on your honeymoon! I started a new job (starts after your show ends)and haven't been listening lately but I hope you still will give me a try. I'm 39 (the new hot age or "w"), your age - and being a sort of newlywed myself, can give you tons of unwanted advice - ALSO being a new mom, (you do the math)I can advise you on that and buddy up w/ JB and act like know-it-alls with him. I really, really, really want to hang out with you guys before you pick your sidekick. I know your interns are adding more and more and I actually have gotten to like the one girl (savannah?). she is great for the younger crowd. I think most of your listeners are our age, though, right? Sorry to write here - hope you check and read it. Have a great trumpet-filled wedding!
Natalie Hays

Unknown said...

I only get to listen to ya'll while I'm driving my kids around in the morning but I did hear about "Tank" so sorry for "being late". I wanted to let Mamie know that she's in my thoughts and prayers . We have 2 Great Danes and one miniature of the danes (Katiebug) I've had since she was a puppy and the "time is near" where I will have to make that decision myself. This particular breed doesn't get very old and even though she has always been a very healthy dog , her age is starting to get to her and she's slow and sometimes almost grumpy. I owe it to her to make sure she's not suffering and hopefully when the times comes, it is that very thought that will get me through this and I also plan on asking my vet to come to our house, instead of her going to sleep in a strange place.

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