Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Almost to 100 Followers

It has taken a little longer than I had thought, but this silly little blog has almost 100 "Followers" The offer is still good, once I get 100 people to follow this blog, I will repost the Gator Hunt video. Scroll to the bottom of this and become a follower.

Following this Blog is going to pay off for you tomorrow afternoon. Why? Well, you will be the first to know about a $20,000 contest that we are kicking off on Thursday morning. I will let all of you here know about it first and trust me, knowing first will help you win the prize. The contest that we are doing is one that I have wanted to do for a long time and we just got approval for it. Even if you don't win the contest, you will love listening to it. I will tell you this, it isn't The Fugitive. That was fun but this one will be funner. Is funner a word? Check back here tomorrow afternoon.

Bikes for Kids starts NEXT week! Can you believe that? If you are new to the show, every year we raise money from our listeners to by 800 new Trek Bikes for kids that would never get one. We will be at HEB and Whataburgers all over Central Texas, so listen for details.

I have dropped a few pounds lately. Wanna know how I did it and will continue to do it? Cut back on alcohol and get some exercise. Pretty simple. I am waiting for Oprah to call and have me on her show to tell everyone. I have cut way back on the booze and started riding my bike again. Of all the exercise out there, riding the bike is the best for me.

Hooked on Red Bull. Not hooked, but it has replaced my cup of coffee on the way to work. I swear I can't make it to the station without it. Stuff isn't cheap though. No wonder they can afford cool promotion and airplanes and stuff. At $2.50 for 8.3 oz I would imagine they are doing okay.

Gas prices. I paid $2.33 today. I swear, I thought I would never see a gallon of gas less than $3

The Shield is on. Late!

Oldie but a goodie

We couldn't believe that there are people that haven't seen this before. Enjoy.

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Sexy, Huh?