Monday, June 9, 2008

Movies you always watch a little bit of

Here is my list of movies that I will always watch when see them on TV

Shawshank Redemption
Forrest Gump
Pulp Ficition
Any of the Rockys or Rambos
Caddy Shack
American Pie
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Top Gun
Ferris Bueller
Saving Private Ryan
Anne Hall
A Few Good Men
Good Will Hunting

What's your list?

Blog from phone

Jb showed me this months ago but I am a little slow. Always have been. I am sending this from my phone. Very cool. Here is a picture of Bumper just for fun.

Multimedia message

Success, Well Kind of

For the last couple of years I have been unable to use my home wireless internet and it has driven me crazy. What was really crazy is that my wife had no problem using it and I was able to connect to every other wireless network I have ever been near. I finally called my cousin that is a super smart IT guy and we figured it out...sort of. I am now able to connect at home, but it times out on me. Baby steps, small victories, win the battle not the war whatever. I feel like I accomplished something today. Hurray for me and hurray for cold beer. My AC is still out at home and cold beer goes well with no AC.

I have a couple of takers to wakeboard/wakesurf with me on Thursday. See previous blog if you want to ride. Sorry, no newbies allowed.

Cheer for our buddy Rich Beem in the US Open this week. Rich is a great dude. He is playing behind the group of Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson, so he may get on TV a little.

Tricia ran over a tarantula in the driveway tonight. You would think she slayed King Kong. Very funny.

I am bummed about the Governors Mansion. I hope they catch whoever did it and throw the book at them. Why would someone light anyones home on fire? Do they not have cable? They always get caught. This person will too. The world is full of strange people. Just take a minute and look around.

Cedric Benson sure screwed up huh? Two alcohol related arrests in less than a month. I don't care if you play for the Chicago Bears or flip burgers, that is just stupid. Another Longhorn player that just can't figure it out. Sad huh? Don't feel bad for him. He can afford the attorney fees, feel for the guy that can't afford a half a tank of gas. In the end, Cedric will be fine, the other guy still has to punch the clock. Speaking of punching the clock.......I need some sleep.


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