Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My bedroom moves

Pretty wild night ahead

Randomness and Back Breaking Work

Before we start, I really need some more peeps to follow me at www.twitter.com/sandymcilree For some reason it annoys the crap out of me when I see friends who don't have a radio to promote their blog or twitter have more people following that I do, and I have a damn radio show to pimp it on. So, I am now moving all type of contesting information to twitter. If you want the scoop on what we are giving away and when we are giving it check out www.twitter.com/sandymcilree This also a great place to check in to see what we are doing at any given moment.

Spent a good part of the day moving a tradmill out of the room that will soon be the baby's room. It was, how do you say? Hard! Very fricken hard. My wonderful neighbor Darrell helped me take it apart and move it. It weighs 350 pounds, good thing I bought the "Forearm Forklifts" http://www.asseenontvguys.com if you are moving anytime soon, get these things at any UHaul Store or Home Depot. They are worth the money. By the way, if you want to buy a Precor 9.33 Low impact Treadmill for $1500, I would be happy to sell it to you. Email me, amcilree@gmail.com Carpet is going in to the kids room tomorrow, we wanted it to be warm in the babys room, Tricia picked out some nice carpet for the room.

I took some heat from some animal lovers today after we talked about my wild game feed on the the 15th. My buddy Moore and I hunted alot this year and we have a lot meat to eat. We talked about having an all guys cook out at my house with Dove, Duck, Antelope, Hill Country Axis, White Tail Deer, Wild Hog, Aligator and who knows what else. Anyway, some people that don't see things the same way I do sent a few emails suggesting that I have a very small penis and other parts of my body. I sent them back a picture of me and a Black Buck Antelope. These people crack me up, they really do. They think they can further their cause by insulting my genitals. My genitals have no idea that I like to hunt and fish, they just know that we do it together. Any further comments or questions about my genitals can directed to my wife at ihaveseensandysgenitalsandicantellyouthetruth@gmail.com

Madonnas new Boyfriend

He is 22, from Brazil and his name is Jesus. Jesus and Madonna 22 and 52, weird huh?

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