Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Sexy Mijo

**This has been circulating around our office. I love "Office Humor"
Greetings all, A friend of mine forwarded me something I thought I’d share with you about one of our own. Evidently there is a semi-exclusive club where men and women dress up in lingerie and play tackle football. While that may seem strange enough, get this… They play while sheep roam around the field as well! I’m not sure what role the sheep play. At first I thought this had to be a joke and certainly my friend was pulling my leg but he has some hard to get photos of the event and you will never guess who was caught on film as one of the willing participants.

1 comment:

Ryan16 said...

Haha! With lambs? I imagine that this would be some kind of obstacle to spice the game up...well at least as much of spice as something like that needs

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