Thursday, April 23, 2009

Nude Sketch of Jessica

One of Jessica's students was listening this morning and sent us one of her sketh's of Jessica. Jessica said it was cool to post it here.


Chantal said...

That could be almost anyone! Ryan is ridiculous!

Jeanette said...

Jessica either respects her boyfriend's wishes or she needs to break up with makes no sense for her to continue to do something that obviously hurts her partner...and the fact that she doesn't care, says a lot about the relationship.

Anonymous said...

Oh No! Some art student out there has a faceless sketch of a nude woman that happened to be Jessica! Grow up Ryan. Jess does have a nice BOD!

Amanda said...

I asked my boyfriend his opinion on this (mind you we have been together for a little over 2 years)...he said 2 things, 1-I should ask to get paid more, and 2-he wants the best portrait, ha! honestly in my opinion, ryan is an ass!! if he truly cared and loved his girlfriend he would respect her decision. these two aren't even married, nor do they live me, he seems a but controlling! it's her body, not his. he's making a HUGE deal out of nothing. he also to me sounds a bit insecure, if he was secure he would embrace the fact that his hot girlfriend was doing this. I think she's doing the right thing by breaking it off with him and it's better to do it now rather than get more involved. Imagine how it would be living with the guy!

Anonymous said...

Notice how one of Jessica's points was that no one even knows her name in the class. So how does this student know that this is her? I think there are deeper issues here.

Anonymous said...

Ditto what Jeanette said:

"Jessica either respects her boyfriend's wishes or she needs to break up with makes no sense for her to continue to do something that obviously hurts her partner...and the fact that she doesn't care, says a lot about the relationship."

Anonymous said...

The fact that Jessica chooses to go on air to discuss this and chooses to allow the sketch to go on this blog shows me that Ryan is right. She likes this. She likes the attention in whatever way she can get it. I think Ryan deserves better.

My husband is an artist who has taken a nude drawings course, so to me, that is not the huge issue here. It is Jessica's uncompromising stance when she knows how he feels. She said he is not controlling on other issues.

Anonymous said...

I think the girlfriend was irresponsible and insensitive to call the station and talk publically about this... she wanted attention, and she got it. She is a transparent person who clearly thrives on attention whether it is from men, artists, or listeners and radio personalities. It is also sad that Sandy seemed to really enjoy the argument and egged them on to escalate things by repeating pushing and asking if this was it for them. I don't have a problem with the woman posing, but the way this went down is just one more example of people creating a story where there wasn't one, and the Radio Guys and listeners revelling in the awkwardness of listening to a break up. Shame on all of us. I think Ryan is underappreciated and I hope HE is okay after this unsolicited pile of crap that was drop on him this morning...

Kudos to the chick for hurting her guy when she knew he would be listening. What a jerk she is and gives women a bad name.

(A Woman with Class, unlike Jessica)

Anonymous said...

Her boyfriend is an insecure wimp, and he doesn't deserve to be with a woman so confident.

Anonymous said...

Ryan was worried about a guy gettig turned on? I have taken art classes like thuis. everyone is super serious and there to learn. I the teacher is any good, he would not tolerate any inappropriate behavior. Artists are like nurses. They have seen it all and it takes a lot to impress or embarrass them, let alone make them look twice. Ryan, grow up and get over it.

Anonymous said...

Ryan doesn't pay her bills. Until he does, he has zero say in the matter. And secondly he needs to grow up. IT'S ART! It's not porn, or a stripper's club. She's a smart woman and can do much better than a boy with insecurities. And shame on JB and Sandy for siding with him. You guys pointedly questioned Jessica's reasoning, accusing her of posing just to get back at Ryan and piss him off. All until the art students called in and shed light on the matter. All in the name of listener ratings?

Kim Haynes Hollenshead said...

Ughhh. That was such a painful conversation to listen to. Ryan is a jerk and Jessica needs to be done with him. Hope the conversation helped her realize that.

Anonymous said...

I was disturbed by the rage in Ryan's voice - he was not capable of having a reasoned conversation, and repeatedly interrupted Jessica, even when she tried to give him several options to assuage his fears. He was irrational and controlling. I imagine Jessica is used to having electricity, food on the table, and a roof over her head, and if this is what she needs to do for a short while to make ends meet, good for her. I did not hear Ryan offering to support her financially. Lose the creep.

Anonymous said...

The sad thing about most of the comments above calling Ryan a jerk is that NONE OF YOU is the situation with his girlfriend...who CARES what his reasoning is..he doesn't want his gf naked in front of, what has happened to our modesty! The fact that she doesn't care, again as the person above said, says a lot about her take on the relationship.

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