Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Bree's Valentines Day Gift

Sorry gang, i had to take down the word jumble for today. I will repost it again tomorrow. Keep listening to find out when it will be back.


Anonymous said...

but i just got to work... i was so curious.. i couldn't wait to see it...

Rosie said...

Ugh, my mind has been wandering to the gutter all day trying to figure it out. Have I even heard of this?

Anonymous said...

Sandy, as the big brother in the house, PLEASE tell her that this really isn't a topic for morning radio. Seriously.

I have listened to your show since your first week in Austin. I am not any sort of prude but the southern belle in me is thinking that someone needs to explain that some things just aren't discussed in public and this is one of them.

I understand wanting to keep her boyfriend happy and interested but there are a LOT of people that think this particular act is illegal and I am afraid that she will regret having discussed all this on the radio when she is a bit older and wiser.

@M@ND@ said...

I get the jist of what it is, but am lost about the part where it might be illegal. Very Curious!

Just a side note: Guys, the show is getting really difficult to listen to with all of the drama going on. Most of us want something light-hearted in the morning, not fussing :(

There is no other radio station in Austin I'd rather listen to...I just wish we could all get along, LoL.

Anonymous said...

Hope you will re-post the word jumble. Lots of us are dying to figure it out. I think I know, but....


Anonymous said...

I hope you will re-post the word jumble. I'm trying to figure it out. By the way, I'm Hispanic and I have made my kids, 7 & 10, addicted to you. Keep up the great job.

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