Thursday, September 25, 2008

I'm not saying, I'm just saying....Ewwwwww


magpiemoxie said...

OMG - that is sooo WEIRD. I'm assuming these kids don't attend public school...

De Riley said...

Ewwww. I can't even watch a fourth of the video. It just makes me feel ill.

Anonymous said...

This was going around in one of my mom groups a while back. I am a strong supporter of nursing mothers, but yeah, this is very strange. What if the girls were boys? Would she be charged with something?

Anonymous said...

I breast fed both of my children my oldest for about 16 months and my 2nd not quite as long... When a child can say "Hey Mom, whip it out, I'm hungry" you've gone just a bit too far!


Unknown said...

It's up to the kid to decide when they want to stop breast feeding? I'm pretty sure you want to stop breast feeding before the kid can remember. If I could remember breast feeding on my mom I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be capable of having a normal relationship with women. It's hard enough as it is...

Anonymous said...

I let me son wean himself...I breastfed him until he was almost 3, and I got flack for that.
While there is a special bond between a nursing mother & child, there is a point when it goes from normal & healthy to...just plain disturbing. Whether or not the mother gets something out of it (emotionally and/or sexually), I have no clue, but I think the poor girl has major emotional issues they need to address!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure who needs more therapy - Mom, the kids or Dad?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

I breastfed both of my children, the first until he was 5 months and was getting his first tooth. My daughter I fed for 13 months until she got her first tooth. I remember it being sad that she was my last baby and was growing up, but it's something that all mothers must go through. This woman just can't let them grow up, and its very unhealthy!!

Anonymous said...

Ewwwee is right. I think she needs a shrink or at best the kids will at some point in their life.

Anonymous said...

As a breastfeeding mom, I'm very in favor if a mom's right to breastfeed their child in public or otherwise. I breast fed my first daughter until she was 19 months (once or twice a day after about 1 y/o). And believe me, I was sooo ready to be done by then. I finally had to end it by distracting her with other things when she wanted to nurse. I honestly think she wouldn't have stopped on her own because she was that attached to me. It got to the point that I found it embarassing when she would flip on her side and try to get into my shirt. Plus, I was just tired of it at that point and ready to stop. My second daughter stopped on her own at 13 months. I don't even know what day she stopped.

Some kids may not choose to stop on their own. It doesn't mean you have to be their pacifier until they go to college. It's a great bonding experience when they are little, but I think 2 years is the limit. There is really no reason for it by then and the kid needs to start learning to be big.

The great things about breastfeeding are the bonding, superior nutrition for your child, increased immunity, and no less important: WEIGHT LOSS! It's like doing the stairmaster every day but you get to sit in a chair and relax. There is nothing better for getting rid of those extra pregnancy pounds.

This video gives me the creeps. I think this lady needs counseling. The girl doesn't understand or know anything else, but mom should know that the time to stop was about 6+ years ago.

Hannah said...

lol well, the WHO does recommend that all mothers breastfeed their children at least two years, and research has shown incredible results for the risk of cancer, arthritis, and obesity for children breastfed up til 7 years - past that there isn't much research. a lot of this sounds pretty ignorant and judgmental, and really stereotypical. just buying what society tells you.. :)

Anonymous said...

Okay, so Iwatche dthe whole thing. Not only is it disturbing that they still do it at that age but what effects is it having on their perception of " normal " life and what is acceptable. Did you see where they were drawing pictures of the breasts and talking about their names for them. How inappropriate!

Anonymous said...

I am a huge proponent of breastfeeding and breastfed my first child to 1 year, and am still breastfeeding my second child who turned 1 yesterday. I think breastfeeding until about 2 years old is great and very appropriate. Anything past 2 is too long, in my opinion. Breastfeeding is a beautiful and wonderful thing, but I don't believe an 8 year old needs to be breastfeeding!

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering what kind of relationship they have with their father. I do think the parent's intentions are good... and in the past, for economic reasons, children were often breastfed much longer than today... But 8-yrs-old in 2008 is kind of uncomfortable. Also, it makes me wonder if they'll automatically grow up to associate the female alone with nourishment.

Anonymous said...

Sick. I am absolutely horrified. I just lost my appetite.

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