Tuesday, August 19, 2008

More Randomness

I have been on a bit of a fitness kick lately. What I am about to tell you is very embarassing, but I figured I would say it on the radio, but since I am not on the air this week (vacation) I thought I would share it here. On Monday afternoon, I did the "Biggest Loser" workout DVD, and it kicked my butt. Look, I am no fatty, but I sure aint no skinny. I did this thing and my butt and legs are still sore. At first I felt like a total dork for doing a workout DVD with my wife. Then I figured I would be twice as embarassed to do it in public, like at a gym. But at the end of the 30 minutes, I really felt like I had done some work. Pick it up and try it, it is cheaper than a gym membership.

I also committed to doing the LIVESTRONG 60 mile bike ride this fall. I have done 100 mile ride before, so I know what I am getting in to. I enjoyed riding the bike, however, it is tough to ride alone. I really do think tri-athletes are a little strange. They spend hours on that bike...alone. When you ride with a friend, you do a lot of BSing. I will keep you up to date on how I am doing. First thing I have to do is get my bike tuned up.

I'm leaving for New York on Thursday. Kind of a last minute thing, kind of not. It is a very long story that I will save for another day. I love New York. My dad grew up on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. In his words, "it was a terrible place for a kid to grow up." I can only imagine. I have heard that it was the heroin capital of the world back in the 60's and 70's. Anyway, what used to be a horrible place to grow up, is now very chic. I can't believe that people actually want to live, and pay big money to live at 10th and Ave C. Amazing. The city has gutted the interior of the place but kept the exterior the same. I love going back to that neighborhood. Amazing how it has changed. Every time Tricia and I visit New York, we always go by the neighborhood, then stop at a bar across from Tomkins Square Park. Rumor is the play "RENT" was written at that bar. Who knows, some guy sucking down gin and tonics told me that. I could have told him I was Shaquille O'Neil and he would have believed me.

Done Rambling.


DrGilmore said...

I am doing my first bike ride in September. I started taking spinning classes at the gym, I like it because you can hide in the corner and no-one see's you in the regular gym so you can drip sweat in semi-private. I have to say though, it has put me in awesome shape you should try a spinning class (get Tricia to go, it's fun). I haven't been able to run a mile without stopping since before I tore my hip when I was 13, and I did it for the first time last week and practically started screaming on the treadmill. The fact that I work for a fire department and there were firemen in the fire gym when I finished probably had a lot to do with the lack of screaming and hugging, because seriously: woopdy-reaking-do I ran a mile they just saved someone's life (insert mockery here. love those guys, but seriously...I ran a mile!).

I practically had to crawl out of bed the next morning, but hey...!! I like the gym because you see hot people and you're like: hey I want to be that person! Plus I cannot work out at home. If I even go home to change, I'll find some reason to not make it to the gym. So I work out with one of the fire shifts or I go to the gym and take a class. I work out harder with a partner or some dick firefighter bench pressing 200lbs as I struggle to bicept-curl my 5lb dumbell. Sick competitive nature? I have no clue, that's just what works for me. I've always got to have someone to work out with or I get bored. Find a bike friend to ride with, it just sounds like more fun and you forget how hard you're working. Probably something I need to do myself before I ride in this race...

have fun in New York!

Anonymous said...

Just had to say that my husband is an Ironman x3 and he HATES being on the bike alone. Maybe some like it but he is always looking for someone to ride with, especially when the rides are long. Even if he can get someone to meet him for a couple hours, it's better than nothing. He's even happy for me to tag along - and I'm slow. :) I don't get triathletes either, by the way. But all that training sure makes for a nice view from my side. :)

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