Merry Christmas; 2007 was a big year for me; I got engaged to my girlfriend of almost 5 years. Yep, Tricia Nicole Williams said she would merry me when I proposed on June 28 in Monterey, California. So right out of the shoot that was the highlight of my year. I will get in to that more in a bit, but there were some other things that happened this year too. But certainly, the biggest was getting engaged. The beginning of the year was tough, 2006 and 2007 kind of rolled together for me. My Uncle died on December 1st of 2006 but the funeral wasn’t until Feb 1, 2007. My Uncle was a Naval Academy graduate and decorated Vietnam Veteran who had earned the right to be buried at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, VA. There is a 2 month wait to be buried at Arlington. I attended the funeral and for the first time saw with my own eyes the cost of freedom that I enjoy every day as represented by the rows and rows of white crosses marking the grave of the men and women that served our country. It was am amazing experience. Oh, did I mention that my right arm was in a huge obnoxious sling while I was there? I finally made decision to get my shoulder and bicep surgically repaired. Dr Graham at North Austin Sports Medicine fixed me up good and I spent the next 6 months doing everything I was told by the doc and the Physical Therapists. To be honest it really sucked, but now it is so worth it. For the first time in years my shoulder doesn’t hurt. It had hurt for so long I forgot what normal felt like. The first six months of the year were pretty slow, but once I was cleared by the doc I was ready to get back to doing stuff. I like to say I live an active life style but I don’t think that is true, because I always seem to be drinking beer while being active so I think that cancels things out. I like to play golf and wakeboard, funny how there is a cooler on the golf cart and the boat. It was nice to see Lake Travis fill up again. I was wondering if it ever would. I feel for the people that were flooded, but I sure was happy to see the lake back to normal. I was really sad for the lake for a while, but everyone says it always comes back and it did again this year. Thank you Mother Nature.
What else happened this year… A lot of things stayed the same I read my standard 2 books a year, neither of which will help me grow personally or spiritually, I already “Eat, Sleep and Pray” and I’m not very good at keeping Secrets so I read stuff that interested me. I read “One of a Kind” The Stu Unger Story. It is the biography of a guy who is addicted to drugs and gambling who happens to be poker genius. I guess I did learn something from that book, Drugs are bad and you only have a gambling problem when you lose. I also read a book called “Angels of Death” it is said to be the most detailed historically accurate book about the Hells Angels. What did I learn from this book? Don’t mess with the Hells Angels. Period. End of story.
My golf game is still inconsistent. I am starting to accept the fact that I am never going to be as good as I want to be. But I am confident that I won’t embarrass myself in any situation so I have that going for me. I am proud of our first ever golf tournament, “The JB and Sandy Classic” raised over $100,000 for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. That was very cool. My dad, uncle and cousin came to Austin to play and we had a blast.
I still miss my grandmother and my aunt. I am going to Brooklyn next week to visit my Aunt Olga’s grave, I hope my tears don’t freeze to my face.
I still love my dog Bumper and fear the day he is no longer with us. I really do, I hate thinking about it. His 13th birthday is 9 days away. He will get a cheeseburger from Whataburger, a ride in the truck and a boat ride. I know its silly but Tricia and I enjoy giving Bumper a big boy day. If there was a doggie bar that had French Poodles in short shirts and tight t-shirts I would take him there. Bumper is my boy
My best buddy Brock got married in June and is expecting a baby soon. It’s great to see him happy.
My old roommate Phil Thomas got serious about his golf game and at the end of the season was the #1 ranked amateur in Central Texas. I love seeing my friends do well.
When we come back from vacation on January 2nd the show will be different. As you know by now, Autumn is leaving the JB and Sandy morning show to concentrate on music full-time. I am sad that Autumn is leaving the show but I am excited for her too. Sure, I wish she was staying. The thought of filling her chair makes me sick to my stomach, but that is the selfish part of me. I want autumn to be happy, I want her to chase her dreams and shoot big. Be big, be brave, don’t let anyone tell you can’t, when they tell you you can’t, remember that and work hard to stick it to them. The stick it to them mentality has worked pretty well for me and I hope it works well for you. At the risk of this sounding like an “Oprah Winfrey Presents” moment, I want Autumn to know that I have learned so much from you. I have learned that I am capable of marriage, I am capable of being a good father and I am capable of loving. Thank you. Your enthusiasm for radio, something I love so much has been refreshing. When we live in world where washed up Rock Stars, so called comedians and reality stars are given millions of dollar to do morning shows, it is nice to see a kid from Tulsa, Oklahoma that is willing to pay her dues, learn her craft and improve. Autumn you have been my Danielson and you have been a wonderful student. You are ready to take on the Cobra Kai and don’t be afraid to sweep the leg. I love you and will still call you every Friday to tell you how proud I am of you. You made a big decision and I am so happy for you. Olive Juice.
After my divorce almost 12 years ago, I swore I would never get married again. Funny how time changes things. As I mentioned before, I got engaged on June 28th while on vacation in California. Several things let up to my decision to propose. The biggest one is that in the big picture, Tricia makes my life so much better. I like to think I make hers so much better because she was living with her mom when I met her, but the truth is she makes my life better. I hope I make hers a little better, but she makes mine better in many different ways. I now clean up after myself and I like it. I clean the sink after I shave because I like it. I hate when the bed isn’t made and go crazy if the cabinets aren’t shut. Tricia hasn’t trained me, but she has showed me a better way to live. I also know that I am ready for children. I have always thought that there is no reason to get married unless you want kids, and I sure do want them. I look forward to being a kid all over again with the kid. I guy I know, who I wouldn’t consider a friend, heard that I was getting married and said, “So, you are breaking in to the jail” It took everything I had not to punch him in the mouth. Instead, I made a snide comment and moved on. I look forward to getting married. I think I have finally met the women that gets me and I get her and isn’t that what we are all looking for in life? Someone that trusts you knows that you are a dude that at times will do stupid things but at the end of the day still loves you. I found that with Tricia and hope it last a life time. April 19th is the big day. I will keep you posted as we get closer.
JB and Digitz, what else can I say? We will be right back at it in a couple of weeks. I love making radio with you guys. Have a merry Christmas and a happy new year.